Wallington Hall update

17th October 2017

Please note that Wallington Hall contacted us last night to let us know that, due to the extreme weather predicted, they would be opening later on Tuesday. Therefore we have had to postpone our KS2 trip planned for that day (17th Oct). 
The KS3 trip for Wednesday will still be going ahead as planned as the worst of the weather should have passed by then.
We will still take KS2 to Wallington Hall later in the school year and this trip will still be without charge.  In the meantime, we hope to take KS2 out and about here in Bellingham once the worst of the storm has passed in the morning.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this unusual week!
Eco-Schools Silver Award
Health and Wellbeing Audit
Music Mark
School Games Bronze 2018/19
The Daily Mile