Home School Agreement

Home-School Agreement


School will:

  • Value each pupil as a member of the school community and promote their self-esteem.
  • Care for pupils’ safety and wellbeing.
  • Provide an inspiring and challenging curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.
  • Promote high standards of work and behaviour.
  • Build good relationships and develop a sense of responsibility.
  • Provide information about the school curriculum, activities and pupils’ progress.
  • Teach to a high standard, set homework and mark in an appropriate manner.
  • Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, equipment, behaviour or progress.


Parents/Carers will:

  • Support all school policies and guidelines to promote attitudes and behaviour.
  • Support all school policies to promote progress in learning.
  • Encourage your child to complete homework.
  • Let school know about any issues that may affect your child’s behaviour or progress.
  • Be supportive and praise your child’s efforts.
  • Ensure that your child attends school in the correct uniform and with the correct equipment.
  • Contact school before 9 a.m. when your child is absent, and send a note on their return to school.
  • Attend parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress.
  • Inform the school of any medical information which might affect your child in school.
  • Share your ideas and thoughts with us on how to improve our school.


Pupils - I will:

  • Obey the school’s rules.
  • Do all of my classwork and homework as well as I can.
  • Aim to be respectful, resilient and kind at all times.
Eco-Schools Silver Award
Health and Wellbeing Audit
Music Mark
School Games Bronze 2018/19
The Daily Mile