Info re relocation week

9th October 2017

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Re: School Relocation – Monday 16th to Thursday 19th October, 2017   

       (Friday 20th October, 2017 is a Teacher Training Day).

As you will be aware from my previous letter, we are having to move off the school site for the last week of this half term to allow for essential repairs to the school boiler house chimney.   Please find below the necessary information you will need for that week.  I will also be putting this information onto our school website for your ease of reference.

Further information:

School Mobile Contact No. 074 94 624 763

Parents will need to use this number to contact staff during the week 16th – 19th October, 2017.  Alternatively you will be able to ring the school to get this contact number. Unfortunately there will be no staff in school during this week so please do not leave a message on the school answer phone.

Transport – Pupils who use school transport will continue to use their normal bus / taxi, however, school transport will deliver our pupils to the village.  Pupils who travel on the Plumbline coach will be dropped off in front of the Co-op in Bellingham and a member of staff will be there to meet them and the same for their return journey.  All other pupils travelling on school transport will be brought to the Market Square behind the Town Hall.  Bus drivers have been asked to keep pupils on the bus as a member of school staff will collect them at the start of the day from their respective transport.  Similarly, at the end of the school day staff will ensure pupils are safely taken to their respective transport. 

Education - We are going to maintain our pupils’ English and maths lessons each day, and we will mix in some wonderful projects in and around the Bellingham area, including: visits to churches, the Heritage Centre, Hareshaw Linn and a trip to Wallington Hall on Tuesday for KS2 and on Wednesday for KS3. (These trips will be during the school day and pupils will be back in time for their school transport.)  The trips to Wallington Hall will be at no charge as we will use the money raised at the Summer Fair to cover transport and other related costs.

KS2 (Year 5 and 6) – pupils will be based in the Town Hall in Bellingham

KS3 (Year 7 and 8) – pupils will be based in the Masonic Hall in Bellingham

School Meals – Unfortunately we will be unable to provide cooked meals, so we are requesting that all pupils bring a packed lunch and a packed break each day.  For those pupils in receipt of Free School Meals, a packed lunch will be provided each day for them.  Please contact us if there is any difficulty – we will be able to make some extra packed lunches in case children forget theirs – but our facilities will be much more limited than usual.

Uniform – Pupils are still required to wear their school uniform during this week, but please ensure they bring their trainers or walking boots each day as well as a waterproof coat.  On the day that they go to Wallington, they can wear non-uniform (usual restrictions apply). As they will be outdoors all day whilst at Wallington Hall (and may get muddy) they will need to wear old, warm, outdoor clothing with appropriate footwear and waterproofs.

Money – We will not be able to collect in money during the week we are not in school as we will not have a secure location to store it in.  Please do not send in any monies or cheques whilst we are in the Town Hall or Masonic Hall.

Harvest Festival – Normally we would collect donations and have a special assembly in school which parents are invited to.  Due to these circumstances we are not collecting donations in school this week or next.  We are still planning on a Harvest Festival Assembly which will be held in St Cuthbert’s church at 3pm on Monday 16th October.  Although space will be more limited than our hall, parents and families are still welcome to join us.

Whilst we understand that this is not an ideal situation, please be assured that we will ensure your child’s educational needs are met during the disruption.  The staff have worked hard to develop interesting projects for your children during this unusual week.  Should you have any queries with regard to this week please do not hesitate to contact the school.

We thank you for your kind support of the school.  

A copy of this information in letter form is being sent out to you together with a permission slip which we will need back by Friday 13th October.  A copy of the letter is on the home page of this website (and also below) in case you misplace your hard copy.
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