E-safety update from Community Safety Officer

2nd January 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Within my role as community safety officer, I regularly speak to young people in relation to the safe and legal use of social media. Your child’s school has a positive and robust approach to internet safety I am pleased to be able to support them with this.

Northumberland County Council and Northumbria Police deal with numerous complaints and reports relating to the misuse of social media, some of which involve young people and whilst we would always support its positive and constructive use, it is recognised that its misuse can lead to distress and cause offence.

This is a time of year when we know that many young people will be accessing new phones and technologies, along with increased access to social media, and to help you support the safe and legal use of social media by your child, I have attached an overview in relation to the sites most commonly used by children, which also includes some useful links.

I hope the following information is useful to you.

Judith Davis,

Community Safety Officer

Northumberland County Council

Tel – 01670 623829 / 07789 617516


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